Dr. Jaehyung Jung
Postdoctoral ResearcherTechnical University of MunichSchool of Computation, Information and Technology
Informatics 9
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching
Office: 03.09.041
Mail: Jaehyung.Jung@tum.de
Personal Website | Google Scholar |
Brief Bio
Hi, I'm a post-doc at Smart Robotics Lab, and I've finished my Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at Seoul National University in 2023 where I intensively focused on visual-inertial odometry and SLAM for mobile robots.
Research Interest
My research interest lies in everything that makes robots smarter and safer in real-world. To this end, I've been working on
- Uncertainty-aware state estimation
- Object SLAM
And I love to explore more topics!